Loki IndexedDb Adapter (need to include this script to use it)
Console Usage can be used for management/diagnostic, here are a few examples :
adapter.getDatabaseList(); // with no callback passed, this method will log results to console
adapter.saveDatabase('UserDatabase', JSON.stringify(myDb));
adapter.loadDatabase('UserDatabase'); // will log the serialized db to console
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node, CommonJS-like
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.LokiIndexedAdapter = factory();
}(this, function () {
return (function() {
* Loki persistence adapter class for indexedDb.
* This class fulfills abstract adapter interface which can be applied to other storage methods.
* Utilizes the included LokiCatalog app/key/value database for actual database persistence.
* Indexeddb is highly async, but this adapter has been made 'console-friendly' as well.
* Anywhere a callback is omitted, it should return results (if applicable) to console.
* IndexedDb storage is provided per-domain, so we implement app/key/value database to
* allow separate contexts for separate apps within a domain.
* @example
* var idbAdapter = new LokiIndexedAdapter('finance');
* @constructor LokiIndexedAdapter
* @param {string} appname - (Optional) Application name context can be used to distinguish subdomains, 'loki' by default
* @param {object=} options Configuration options for the adapter
* @param {boolean} options.closeAfterSave Whether the indexedDB database should be closed after saving.
function LokiIndexedAdapter(appname, options)
this.app = 'loki';
this.options = options || {};
if (typeof (appname) !== 'undefined')
this.app = appname;
// keep reference to catalog class for base AKV operations
this.catalog = null;
if (!this.checkAvailability()) {
throw new Error('indexedDB does not seem to be supported for your environment');
* Used for closing the indexeddb database.
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.closeDatabase = function ()
if (this.catalog && this.catalog.db) {
this.catalog.db = null;
* Used to check if adapter is available
* @returns {boolean} true if indexeddb is available, false if not.
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.checkAvailability = function()
if (typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined' && indexedDB) return true;
return false;
* Retrieves a serialized db string from the catalog.
* @example
* // LOAD
* var idbAdapter = new LokiIndexedAdapter('finance');
* var db = new loki('test', { adapter: idbAdapter });
* db.loadDatabase(function(result) {
* console.log('done');
* });
* @param {string} dbname - the name of the database to retrieve.
* @param {function} callback - callback should accept string param containing serialized db string.
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.loadDatabase = function(dbname, callback)
var appName = this.app;
var adapter = this;
// lazy open/create db reference so dont -need- callback in constructor
if (this.catalog === null || this.catalog.db === null) {
this.catalog = new LokiCatalog(function(cat) {
adapter.catalog = cat;
adapter.loadDatabase(dbname, callback);
// lookup up db string in AKV db
this.catalog.getAppKey(appName, dbname, function(result) {
if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
if (result.id === 0) {
else {
// support console use of api
// alias
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.loadKey = LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.loadDatabase;
* Saves a serialized db to the catalog.
* @example
* // SAVE : will save App/Key/Val as 'finance'/'test'/{serializedDb}
* var idbAdapter = new LokiIndexedAdapter('finance');
* var db = new loki('test', { adapter: idbAdapter });
* var coll = db.addCollection('testColl');
* coll.insert({test: 'val'});
* db.saveDatabase(); // could pass callback if needed for async complete
* @param {string} dbname - the name to give the serialized database within the catalog.
* @param {string} dbstring - the serialized db string to save.
* @param {function} callback - (Optional) callback passed obj.success with true or false
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.saveDatabase = function(dbname, dbstring, callback)
var appName = this.app;
var adapter = this;
function saveCallback(result) {
if (result && result.success === true) {
else {
callback(new Error("Error saving database"));
if (adapter.options.closeAfterSave) {
// lazy open/create db reference so dont -need- callback in constructor
if (this.catalog === null || this.catalog.db === null) {
this.catalog = new LokiCatalog(function(cat) {
adapter.saveDatabase(dbname, dbstring, saveCallback);
// set (add/update) entry to AKV database
this.catalog.setAppKey(appName, dbname, dbstring, saveCallback);
// alias
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.saveKey = LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.saveDatabase;
* Deletes a serialized db from the catalog.
* @example
* // delete 'finance'/'test' value from catalog
* idbAdapter.deleteDatabase('test', function {
* // database deleted
* });
* @param {string} dbname - the name of the database to delete from the catalog.
* @param {function=} callback - (Optional) executed on database delete
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.deleteDatabase = function(dbname, callback)
var appName = this.app;
var adapter = this;
// lazy open/create db reference and pass callback ahead
if (this.catalog === null || this.catalog.db === null) {
this.catalog = new LokiCatalog(function(cat) {
adapter.catalog = cat;
adapter.deleteDatabase(dbname, callback);
// catalog was already initialized, so just lookup object and delete by id
this.catalog.getAppKey(appName, dbname, function(result) {
var id = result.id;
if (id !== 0) {
adapter.catalog.deleteAppKey(id, callback);
} else if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
callback({ success: true });
// alias
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.deleteKey = LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.deleteDatabase;
* Removes all database partitions and pages with the base filename passed in.
* This utility method does not (yet) guarantee async deletions will be completed before returning
* @param {string} dbname - the base filename which container, partitions, or pages are derived
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.deleteDatabasePartitions = function(dbname) {
var self=this;
this.getDatabaseList(function(result) {
result.forEach(function(str) {
if (str.startsWith(dbname)) {
* Retrieves object array of catalog entries for current app.
* @example
* idbAdapter.getDatabaseList(function(result) {
* // result is array of string names for that appcontext ('finance')
* result.forEach(function(str) {
* console.log(str);
* });
* });
* @param {function} callback - should accept array of database names in the catalog for current app.
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.getDatabaseList = function(callback)
var appName = this.app;
var adapter = this;
// lazy open/create db reference so dont -need- callback in constructor
if (this.catalog === null || this.catalog.db === null) {
this.catalog = new LokiCatalog(function(cat) {
adapter.catalog = cat;
// catalog already initialized
// get all keys for current appName, and transpose results so just string array
this.catalog.getAppKeys(appName, function(results) {
var names = [];
for(var idx = 0; idx < results.length; idx++) {
if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
else {
names.forEach(function(obj) {
// alias
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.getKeyList = LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.getDatabaseList;
* Allows retrieval of list of all keys in catalog along with size
* @param {function} callback - (Optional) callback to accept result array.
* @memberof LokiIndexedAdapter
LokiIndexedAdapter.prototype.getCatalogSummary = function(callback)
var appName = this.app;
var adapter = this;
// lazy open/create db reference
if (this.catalog === null || this.catalog.db === null) {
this.catalog = new LokiCatalog(function(cat) {
adapter.catalog = cat;
// catalog already initialized
// get all keys for current appName, and transpose results so just string array
this.catalog.getAllKeys(function(results) {
var entries = [];
var obj,
for(var idx = 0; idx < results.length; idx++) {
obj = results[idx];
oapp = obj.app || '';
okey = obj.key || '';
oval = obj.val || '';
// app and key are composited into an appkey column so we will mult by 2
size = oapp.length * 2 + okey.length * 2 + oval.length + 1;
entries.push({ "app": obj.app, "key": obj.key, "size": size });
if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
else {
entries.forEach(function(obj) {
* LokiCatalog - underlying App/Key/Value catalog persistence
* This non-interface class implements the actual persistence.
* Used by the IndexedAdapter class.
function LokiCatalog(callback)
this.db = null;
LokiCatalog.prototype.initializeLokiCatalog = function(callback) {
var openRequest = indexedDB.open('LokiCatalog', 1);
var cat = this;
// If database doesn't exist yet or its version is lower than our version specified above (2nd param in line above)
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
var thisDB = e.target.result;
if (thisDB.objectStoreNames.contains('LokiAKV')) {
if(!thisDB.objectStoreNames.contains('LokiAKV')) {
var objectStore = thisDB.createObjectStore('LokiAKV', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement:true });
objectStore.createIndex('app', 'app', {unique:false});
objectStore.createIndex('key', 'key', {unique:false});
// hack to simulate composite key since overhead is low (main size should be in val field)
// user (me) required to duplicate the app and key into comma delimited appkey field off object
// This will allow retrieving single record with that composite key as well as
// still supporting opening cursors on app or key alone
objectStore.createIndex('appkey', 'appkey', {unique:true});
openRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
cat.db = e.target.result;
if (typeof (callback) === 'function') callback(cat);
openRequest.onerror = function(e) {
throw e;
LokiCatalog.prototype.getAppKey = function(app, key, callback) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(['LokiAKV'], 'readonly');
var store = transaction.objectStore('LokiAKV');
var index = store.index('appkey');
var appkey = app + "," + key;
var request = index.get(appkey);
request.onsuccess = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
var lres = e.target.result;
if (lres === null || typeof(lres) === 'undefined') {
lres = {
id: 0,
success: false
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
else {
request.onerror = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
usercallback({ id: 0, success: false });
else {
throw e;
LokiCatalog.prototype.getAppKeyById = function (id, callback, data) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(['LokiAKV'], 'readonly');
var store = transaction.objectStore('LokiAKV');
var request = store.get(id);
request.onsuccess = (function(data, usercallback){
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
usercallback(e.target.result, data);
else {
})(data, callback);
LokiCatalog.prototype.setAppKey = function (app, key, val, callback) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(['LokiAKV'], 'readwrite');
var store = transaction.objectStore('LokiAKV');
var index = store.index('appkey');
var appkey = app + "," + key;
var request = index.get(appkey);
// first try to retrieve an existing object by that key
// need to do this because to update an object you need to have id in object, otherwise it will append id with new autocounter and clash the unique index appkey
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
var res = e.target.result;
if (res === null || res === undefined) {
res = {
appkey: app + ',' + key,
else {
res.val = val;
var requestPut = store.put(res);
requestPut.onerror = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
usercallback({ success: false });
else {
console.error('LokiCatalog.setAppKey (set) onerror');
requestPut.onsuccess = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
usercallback({ success: true });
request.onerror = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
usercallback({ success: false });
else {
console.error('LokiCatalog.setAppKey (get) onerror');
LokiCatalog.prototype.deleteAppKey = function (id, callback) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(['LokiAKV'], 'readwrite');
var store = transaction.objectStore('LokiAKV');
var request = store.delete(id);
request.onsuccess = (function(usercallback) {
return function(evt) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') usercallback({ success: true });
request.onerror = (function(usercallback) {
return function(evt) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
usercallback({ success: false });
else {
console.error('LokiCatalog.deleteAppKey raised onerror');
LokiCatalog.prototype.getAppKeys = function(app, callback) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(['LokiAKV'], 'readonly');
var store = transaction.objectStore('LokiAKV');
var index = store.index('app');
// We want cursor to all values matching our (single) app param
var singleKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(app);
// To use one of the key ranges, pass it in as the first argument of openCursor()/openKeyCursor()
var cursor = index.openCursor(singleKeyRange);
// cursor internally, pushing results into this.data[] and return
// this.data[] when done (similar to service)
var localdata = [];
cursor.onsuccess = (function(data, callback) {
return function(e) {
var cursor = e.target.result;
if (cursor) {
var currObject = cursor.value;
else {
if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
else {
})(localdata, callback);
cursor.onerror = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') {
else {
console.error('LokiCatalog.getAppKeys raised onerror');
// Hide 'cursoring' and return array of { id: id, key: key }
LokiCatalog.prototype.getAllKeys = function (callback) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(['LokiAKV'], 'readonly');
var store = transaction.objectStore('LokiAKV');
var cursor = store.openCursor();
var localdata = [];
cursor.onsuccess = (function(data, callback) {
return function(e) {
var cursor = e.target.result;
if (cursor) {
var currObject = cursor.value;
else {
if (typeof(callback) === 'function') {
else {
})(localdata, callback);
cursor.onerror = (function(usercallback) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof(usercallback) === 'function') usercallback(null);
return LokiIndexedAdapter;